The Economics and Finance Department requires all majors to consult their academic adviser before registering for courses.

Academic Roadmaps

Advisement Policy

1. Advisement Is Required

a. Before acceptance in the major (meet with department chair or designee).

b. Before registration every semester.

c. A graduation check when students have completed 90 credit hours (to be completed by the department chair or secretary).

2. Advisement Is Available

a. Upon request by a student (by appointment).

b. In mass-meeting format once every fall semester (to provide general information, answer questions, announce scheduling changes/events/etc.).

c. For special groups:
    i. Evening-only students (every year/by appointment)

    ii. Readmitted students (every year/by appointment)

    iii. Probation students (every semester/by appointment)

3. Advisement Ombudsman

While each faculty member will be assigned students to advise, the department chair will be advisement ombudsman for undergraduate students. Students may be advised by either their assigned adviser or the ombudsman. The ombudsman will advise students seeking acceptance into the major.

Student Responsibilities

Advisees are expected to:

  1. Consult with their adviser as required (see above) and as needed by appointment.

  2. Keep appointments promptly, and notify the adviser in advance if unable to make a scheduled appointment.

  3. Be prepared for the appointment: be aware of your major, Intellectual Foundations (General Education), and college degree requirements; bring a tentative schedule of classes for your next semester, including the courses you need and other personal considerations (e.g. work), and write down any questions you may have for the advisor ahead of time.

  4. Familiarize yourself with our advisement tips.

  5. Follow through with appropriate/recommended action after each advising session and consult with the adviser again if critical/actions cannot be accomplished.

  6. Be aware that you are seeking assistance in decision-making rather than expecting the adviser to make your decisions.

  7. Recognize that you are ultimately responsible for fulfilling all degree requirements, meeting academic deadlines and financial obligations.

Note: for students interested in pursuing an MBA, Dr. Byrley is the designated adviser. For students interested in an internship, Dr. Haynes is the coordinator (students must have at least a 2.75 gpa to qualify for an internship).

  1. Writing Intensive: Intermediate Microeconomics (ECO307) and Intermediate Macroeconomics (ECO308) are designated writing-intensive courses. All majors will fulfill this requirement by taking ECO 307 and 308.
  2. Foreign Language: all students are now required to take one year of foreign language. One year of language in high school is equivalent to one semester at Buffalo State. Therefore, two years of a language in high school fulfills this requirement; however, you must submit your high school transcripts to the Registrar.
  3. Math and Quantitative Reasoning: ECO305 now fulfills this requirement.
  4. Social Science: one of either ECO201 or ECO202 will count 3 credits toward the Social Science requirement. As with all general education core "cognate" requirements with 6 credits, you must take courses from two different departments.
  5. Oral Communication: Senior Seminar (ECO490) now fulfills this requirement
  6. Diversity: Women in the Economy (ECO302) satisfies this requirement.
  7. ECO101 and ECO103 do not count toward major requirements. However, ECO103 will satisfy the American History requirement.
  8. Miscellaneous Requirements:

    -All majors must complete Intermediate Micro (ECO307) and Macro (Eco308) before taking Econometrics (ECO424) and Senior Seminar (ECO490).

    -Finance majors should complete corporate finance (FIN314) before taking upper-level finance electives.

    -BS majors: calculus should be taken prior to Econometrics (ECO424). It is also recommended that you take Econometrics prior to Senior Seminar.