Laurie Buonanno

Laurie A. Buonanno, Ph.D.

Professor Cassety Hall 219
Phone: (716) 878-5037

AY 2024-2025 University/SUNY Service

College Senate Standing Committees
Curriculum Committee (CSCC), Chair
Budget and Staff Allocation Committee (BSAC), Member

United University Professions

Institute for European Union Studies at SUNY, Director

Fall 2024 Office Hours

Mondays Noon - 3 pm (Cassety Hall 219) and by appointment.  

Teaching Schedule

Fall 2024

PAD 680 Research Methods for Public Administration and Nonprofit Management
(MPA Core Requirement, open to all students with graduate status)
W 6:30-8:40 PM Caudell Hall 223

PAD 700 Immigration and Refugee Policy
(Elective in the MPA program, open to all students with graduate status)
Online asynchronous, SUNY Online, Brightspace Platform

PSC 240 European Political Systems
MWF 10-10:50 Caudell Hall 208

Tentative  Spring 2025
PAD 515/ECO 515 New York State Government & Budget (crosslisted with PSC 323/ECO 323)  Time/Day/Locatione TBA

Team taught with Professor of Practice, City of Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown and Professor Fred Floss, Department of Economics & Finance 

Course Description:  NYS government, politics, and annual budget process. Course covers fiscal federalism, economic climate, NYS budget components and processes, contemporary policy issues, NYS government institutions, political parties, and interests. Includes in-class Spring 2024 NYS legislative session budget simulation.  Students take on "alter egos" - playing governor and other executive actors, legislators, and lobbyists as they negotiate NYS's next budget! 

  • PAD 515 satisfies the required (chose among City and County Management/Intergovernmental Relations/NYS Government & Budget) or elective course in the MPA public administration track
  • PAD 515 can be used as an elective course for the Advanced Certificate in Public Management
  • PAD 515 can be used as an elective in the MPA nonprofit management track. 
  • ECO 515 can be used as an elective in the MA Applied Economics. 
  • PSC 323 can be used as either a general elective or under "American Government & Politics" in the BA Political Science.
  • PSC 323 can be used as an elective in the political science and the public administration minors. 

PSC 225 Women in American Politics (IF DEIJ)   

PSC 341 The European Union  


Curriculum vitae

Google Scholar

Research Gate


Taylor and Francis Group Author Profile

Institute for European Union Studies at SUNY

Jean Monnet Module at SUNY Buffalo State/IEUSS


“U.S.-Transatlantic Relations in the Obama Administration.”  Hofstra University, 13th Presidential Conference, Obama Administration, April 19-23, 2023, Moderator, Carolyn Dudek (Hofstra University).  Panelists:  Peter Baker (White House Correspondent, The New York Times), Michelle Egan (American University), Laurie Buonanno (SUNY Buffalo State University), Ben Rhodes (MSNBC Contributor, Senior Adviser to President Obama) Watch on You Tube

Webinar - Laurie Buonanno and Michael Buonanno (State College of Florida, Manatee-Sarasota) discuss their book,  Remembering Italian America:  Memory, Migration, Identity (Routledge) Italian American Studies Association Webinar Series, June 10, 2021.  Watch on YouTube  (Winner of the 2022 Book Award, Italian American Studies Association)

SUNYMEU 2023 Expert Witness Session.  Dr. Buonanno moderates.  March 31, 2023 Watch on YouTube



Ph.D., Political Science, The Johns Hopkins University (1990)

Doctoral fields - Public Administration & Policy; Comparative Politics & Government; International Relations
Dissertation Advisors:  Francis E. Rourke, Richard S. Katz
Dissertation:  Employee Ownership Policy in the US, Italy, and the UK

MBA-MA International Business/International Trade/Marketing Management (1982), School of Management/Department of Geography - University at Buffalo, SUNY

B.S. Business Administration - Management of Information Systems, School of Management, University at Buffalo, SUNY 

A.S.  Natural Sciences, Monroe Community College - SUNY (Rochester, NY)

Scholarship & Publications

see, also, author's publications at Research Gate

Current Writing Projects 

Governing New York State Through Crises (editors- the Honorable Mayor Byron Brown, Laurie Buonanno, Fred  Floss and Lisa Parshall).    Under advance contract with SUNY Press - Albany

The Future of European Policy:  Challenges, Trends, and Opportunities,  (IEUSS book project - editors, Laurie Buonanno and Carolyn Dudek).  Under advance contract with Bloomsbury Academic - London  


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Winner of the 2022 Italian American Studies Association Book Award

Buonanno, L. and M. Buonanno. (2021) Remembering Italian America: Memory, Migration, IdentityNew York: Routledge.  FLYER Winner of the 2022 Italian American Studies Association Book Award.
Preview available on google books
Italian American Studies Association, June 10, 2021 Webinar

Buonanno, L. and N. Nugent (2021) Policies and Policy Processes in the European Union. 2nd Ed.  (The European Union Series). London: Red Globe Press/Bloomsbury.  First edition, 2013, Review of 1st Ed.

Zahariadis, N. and L. Buonanno (eds) (2018) The Routledge Handbook of European Public Policy.  New York: Routledge. 

Buonanno, L., N. Cuglesan, and K. Henderson (eds.) (2015) The New and Changing Transatlanticism: Politics and Policy Perspectives. (Routledge Studies in Governance and Public Policy Series) New York: Routledge. 

Buonanno-Lanze, L. (1988) Import/Export Can Make You Rich. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall.  A guide to exporting and importing. Combines theory with practical applications.

Journal Articles, Reviews, Encyclopedia, Blog Articles

Buonanno, L. and N. Nugent (2021, October 19).  “Covid-19 and Federal Integration in the European Union.”  50 Shades of Federalism

Buonanno, L. (2021, February 5). "The EU's Budget, Crisis, and Federal Integration.Red Globe Press Blog.  Bloomsbury Publishing.

Rochelle, S. & Buonanno, L. (2018).  "Charting the Attitudes of County Child Protective Services Staff in a Post-Crisis Environment."  Children and Youth Services Review 86: 166-175.  

Buonanno, L. (2017).  "The New Trade Deals and the Mobilization of Civil Society Organizations:  Comparing EU and US Responses." Journal of European Integration 39 (7): 795-809. DOI:10.1080/07036337.2017.1371711 

Buonanno, L.  (2016).  "Financial Services Regulation and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership Agreement." Journal of Transatlantic Studies 14

Buonanno, L. and N. Nugent. (2011) Explaining the EU's Policy Portfolio: Applying a Federal Integration Approach to EU Cohesion PolicyBruges Research Papers.  Bruges: College of Europe.

Buonanno, L. and N. Nugent (2011) "Studying the Fine Print: Policy Convergence and the New Transatlantic Agenda." EUSA Review 24 (2).

Buonanno, L., J. Mather, and N. Nugent (2003) "Organizing, Managing, and Assessing an Intercampus, Transnational EU Simulation," Teaching Public Administration  23 (1); 1-14.

Buonanno, L. (2002) "Combining synchronous (EU Simulation) with asynchronous teaching (EU online)." EUSA Review. Vol.15 (2): 8-10.

Buonanno, L. , S. Zaboltney, R. Keefer (2001)  "Politics versus Science in the Making of a New Regulatory Regime for Food in Europe." European Integration online Papers (EIoP)  5 (12).

Buonanno-Lanze (2000) "The Antimasonic Party." in eds. Ron Hayduk and Immanuel Ness, The Encyclopedia of Third Parties. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe.    

Buonanno-Lanze, L. B. (1994) "Public Policy Supportive of Worker Cooperatives in the U.S., the U.K., and Italy." Business & the Contemporary World, 6 (1): 26-42.

Buonanno-Lanze, L. B. (1992) "Attitudes of Labor Union Leaders toward Worker Cooperatives:  A Survey of the United States, the United Kingdom, and Italy." Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 63 (1): 73-102: DOI 10.1111/j.1467-8292.1992.tb02079.x.

Book Chapters

Buonanno, L. (2023).  The Migration Crisis: The EU's Evolving Approach to Border Management  in Crises and Challenges for the European Union.  Mark Rhinard, Neill Nugent, William Paterson. Bloomsbury Press. (The European Union Series)

Buonanno, L. (2018).  "The Single Market," in Zahariadis, N. and L. Buonanno (eds) (1 November, 2017) The Routledge Handbook of European Public Policy.  New York: Routledge.

Buonanno, L. and N. Zahariadis (2018) "Chapter 1, European Union Policymaking:  Issues and Debates," in Zahariadis, N. and L. Buonanno (eds)  The Routledge Handbook of European Public Policy.  New York:  Routledge.

Buonanno, L. and N. Zahariadis (2018) "Section 2 Overview - The Policy Cycle" in Zahariadis, N. and L. Buonanno (eds)  The Routledge Handbook of European Public Policy.  New York:  Routledge.

Buonanno, L. (2017).  "The European Migration Crisis," in Eds. Desmond Dinan, Neill Nugent, and William Paterson. The European Union in Crisis (pp. 100-130).  London:  Palgrave Macmillan. Book Review.

Buonanno, L and M. Buonanno (2015).  "Italian-American Political Leadership in the Tea Party Era:  Conservative, Progressive, Reactionary?"  in Guida, G, S. Pugliese, A. Gravano, P. Vellon, and J. Kighlinger (Eds.)  What is Italian America?  New York:  Italian American Studies Association/John T. Calandra Institute: 245-264.  (peer-reviewed)

Buonanno, L., N. Cuglesan, and K. Henderson. (2015) "Chapter 1: Studying Transatlanticism" in Buonanno, L., N. Cuglesan, and K. Henderson (eds.)   The New and Changing Transatlanticism: Politics and Policy Perspectives. New York: Routledge.

Buonanno, L., N. Nugent, and N. Cuglesan. (2015) "Chapter 5  Governance of the Transatlantic Agenda and the New Transatlanticism" in Buonanno, L., N. Cuglesan, and K. Henderson (eds.)  The New and Changing Transatlanticism: Politics and Policy Perspectives. New York: Routledge.

Buonanno, L.  (2015) "Chapter 11 Financial Services Regulation" in Buonanno, L., N. Cuglesan, and K. Henderson (eds.) (2015)  The New and Changing Transatlanticism: Politics and Policy Perspectives. New York: Routledge.

Buonanno, L.  (2015) "Chapter 13 The TTIP Arrives:  Politics and Processes" in Buonanno, L., N. Cuglesan, and K. Henderson (eds.)  The New and Changing Transatlanticism: Politics and Policy Perspectives. New York: Routledge.

Buonanno, L. (2015)  "Chapter 14 The TTIP Agreement:  Market Access, Regulations, and Rules" in in Buonanno, L., N. Cuglesan, and K. Henderson (eds.)  The New and Changing Transatlanticism: Politics and Policy Perspectives. New York: Routledge.

Buonanno, L. (2015)  "Chapter 15 Conclusions:  The New and Changing Transatlanticism" in Buonanno, L., N. Cuglesan, and K. Henderson (eds.) The New and Changing Transatlanticism: Politics and Policy Perspectives. New York: Routledge.

Buonanno, L. (2007)  "The Constitutional Crisis in Perspective" in O’ Neill, Michael and Nicolae Paun. (eds) Explaining the European Union’s Constitutional Crisis: International Perspectives (Cluj:  Publishing House of the Foundation of European Studies).

Buonanno, L. (2006) "The European Food Safety Authority" in Chris Ansell and David Vogel (eds). (2006) What's the Beef: The Contested Governance of Food Safety. The MIT Press.  Book Review

Buonanno, L. and A. Deakin. (2004) "Identity Formation in the European Union." in N. Nugent (ed) European Union Enlargement. Palgrave Macmillan. 

Book Reviews/Creative Works/Working Papers

Buonanno, L. (2021).  Book Review.  Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly, Achim Hurrelmann, and Amy Verdun.  Eds.  2018.  European Union Governance and Policy Making:  A Canadian Perspective.  University of Toronto Press.

Buonanno, L. (2020).  Book ReviewThe Unsettling of Europe:  How Migration Reshaped a Continent. Peter Gatrell. (NY: Basic Books).  The Journal of Development Studies 56(4)  

Buonanno, L.  (2010) Book Review. Britain and European Integration since 1945: On the Sidelines, David Gowland, Arthur Turner, and Alex Wright (Taylor & Francis), The Romanian Review of European Governance Studies 2 (3): 48-49.

Buonanno, L. (2006)   Book Review,  The Principle of Mutual Recognition in the European Integration Process  (ed) Fiorella Kostoris Padoa Schioppa (Palgrave Macmillan), Journal of Common Market Studies 44 (4): 1102-1103.

Buonanno, L. (2005) Book Review,  Developments in the European Union 2, edited by D. Dinan and M. Cowles-Green (Palgrave). Journal of Common Market Studies 43 (5); 1072-1073. December.

Buonanno, L. (2005) Producer. EuroSim Documentary Directed by William Jungels. Funded by European Commission and Institute for European Union Studies at SUNY.

Buonanno, L.  (2003) "Politics versus Science: Apportioning Competency in the European Food Safety Authority and the European Commission," in European Food Safety Regulation: The Challenge of Multi-level Governance Workshop. Organized by Chris Ansell and David Vogel, University of California, Berkeley. Working Paper  (PDF, 265KB)

Steck, H., L. Buonanno-Lanze, and M. Eagles (1996)  "Pedagogical Strategies and Assessment Results in Cross-National Simulations:  Conclusions from at Two-Continent Model European Union Simulation,"  Presented at American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco.  

Buonanno-Lanze (1990) "Attitudes of Labor Union Leaders toward Labor Cooperatives: A Survey of the United States, the United Kingdom, and Italy. Cornell University, Institute for Industry Studies, New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations." (Monograph).


Brown, B, L. Buonanno, A. DeSha, F. Floss, & K. Malik-Willard. (2020). SUNY Buffalo State, New York State Annual Budget Simulation.  This is the first edition of a 56-page guide, which is used as the basis for our NYS annual budget simulation.

Buonanno, L.,  Cugleşan, N., Nugent, N.,  Rabb, G., and Rushboldt, R. (Eds) (2024). IEUSS Guide to the SUNY Model European Union (17th ed.). Institute for European Union Studies at SUNY.  Authored First Edition (2006), Co-edited editions 2-17.

Conferences & Invited Lectures

See c.v. located at the top of this webpage, for a comprehensive list.

PI or Co-PI on OUTSIDE grants $404,152 (e.g. European Commission, US Department of Education, Fulbright Fellowship);  Collaborator on $180,000 additional; short-listed $600,000.  With SUNY and campus grants, total grant funding approx $450,000.

See c.v. located at the top of this webpage, for a comprehensive list.


Full-time Teaching Appointments

SUNY Buffalo State, Department of Political Science, Public Administration, and Planning - Professor (2006-Present)

SUNY Fredonia, Department of Political Science (1990-2006)

Assistant Professor (1990-1994), Associate Professor (1994-2006), Professor (appointed 2006)

Community College of Baltimore (1983-1986)
Instructor (tenure-track), Department of Business Administration; Director, International Trade Program

(other teaching, e.g. summer institutes and adjunct, see c.v.)

Academic Administration

(Founding) Director, Public Administration and Nonprofit Management Division, Department of Political Science - SUNY Buffalo State (September 1, 2013-May, 31, 2017)

Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Political Science, SUNY Buffalo State (2012-2013)

Chair, Department of Political Science - SUNY Buffalo State (2006-2012)

Coordinator, International Studies - SUNY Fredonia (2005-2006)

Director, Institute for European Union Studies at SUNY (2003-2011; January 2020-present), SUNY-wide institute affiliated with  SUNY Office of Global Affairs  

Director, International Trade Program, Community College of Baltimore (1983-1985)

Nonprofit/Federal Government

Director, Transatlantic Consortium for European Union Studies and Simulations [ Nonprofit 501 (c) (3) ]   (April 1999-April 2003), Co-Director (2003-2005) when expanded administrative structure to include European faculty on governing board

US Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration-Research Assistant  (June-December 1981)


Outstanding Service to the SUNY Buffalo State MPA Program, 2021

Educator of the Year, Buffalo-Niagara Chapter, American Society for Public Administration, 2020

William Andrews Lecture 2012 - Institute for European Union Studies at SUNY - delivered at the University of Exeter:  "What Federalism Can Teach Us about the Eurozone Crisis"

SUNY Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching, 1995

National Columbus Day Committee, 1991 Educational Citation of Honor Award

Service to the Profession  (recent)

Co-Chair, Public Policy Interest Section, European Union Studies Association (May 2013-May 2017)

Exemplar Coach and Mentor, SUNY Online Teaching

Board Member, Institute for European Union Studies at SUNY (2008-present)

Chair, Erie County Citizen Salary Review Commission (2018-2020 - report), member (2014-2016)

Faculty advisor, SUNY Model European Union (1993-present)

Executive Board Member, Italian American Studies Association (2017-2019)

Board Member, Buffalo-Niagara Chapter, American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) (term March 2018-June 2019, June 2023-Present)

Editorial Board, Palgrave Studies in European Union Politics (2018-present)

Managing Editor, IEUSS Review of Books (2020-present)

Membership in Professional Associations (current)

American Society for Public Administration 

-Including Buffalo Niagara Chapter

American Political Science Association 

-Interest Sections:  Migration & Citizenship, European Politics & Society

European Community Studies Association - Canada

European Union Studies Association (US-based)

Italian American Studies Association  

New York State Political Science Association 

University Association for Contemporary European Studies (UK-based)